General Meeting 2nd September 2024



Held in the Board Room, Elderpark Workspace at 7 p.m.

Present: Esme Clark, Annie Morgan, Danny O’Neill, Hannah Salome, John Foster, Gordon Mackay, Andre Videla, Marie Davidson, Ruby Kelly, Councillor Alam, Councillor Bell, Councillor Hutchison

Apologies: Rheinhild Gorniack, Che Campbell, Betty Ross, Humza Yousaf MSP, Councillor Dornan

Minute taker: John Foster

    These were moved as correct by Hannah Salome and Esme Clark.


Our Secretary announced with sadness the death of John Flanagan, former member of this Council and sometime City Councillor. The meeting expressed its condolences to Andrea. The committal will be at 6.30 pm on Thursday 5^th^ and mass at 10 am Friday 6 September at St Anthony’s Chapel.


a) Cleansing: the refuse and dumping crisis and implication for the introduction of bin hubs

Annie Morgan asked for this item to be put on the agenda once again as issues raised previously remained, particularly street dumping. This would indicate a problematic start to the instruction of bin hubs (as exampled in Pollokshields). Marie Davidson noted that conditions could change quickly – as in Elderpark Street which was good a few months back but was now again highly problematic

Cllr Bell said the next area for their introduction would be Paisley Road West. Central Govan would probably follow relatively early in the new year. Bin Hubs answered the need for a technology to match the physical capabilities of an ageing workforce. He advocated a flexible approach to the way bin hubs were introduced, how often they were collected and how communication with residents was conducted. Their use had to be made to match local conditions. Councillor Alam noted that in Govan’s case we would need, in particular, explanation in a number of languages.

Cllr Bell stressed that one issue that had strongly restricted the options open to the City Council was financial (witnessed by past cuts and the new cuts likely to be announced in the coming weeks). One problem faced by Glasgow City Council was its lack of powers to raise funds (one deepened, compared to other councils, by its gerrymandered borders that excluded wealthy suburbs).

Arising from the discussion it was AGREED to:

i) Carry forward the decision of the July meeting to organise a meeting, as suggested by Hannah, between the two local housing associations, councillors and a relevant officer from the City Council to discuss cleansing and the introduction of bin hubs.

ii) That for our next public meeting, scheduled for Thursday 28 October, a second item, should be a discussion opened by Councillor Bell on the lack of powers of city councils in general and Glasgow in particular and its consequences for services and civic democracy

b) Banking Services

Gordon Mackay reported, first, that the appeal form from the Financial Conduct Authority on the denial of cash machines needed to be filled in and returned (he noted that in the coming period the FCA will also receive compulsory powers on these matters). He remained of the opinion that the Subway station was the best venue. Marie Davidson reported problems with cash issued by the cash machine in Morrisons/Post Office.

On the question of the banking hub we needed access to the paper work from our former MP Chris Stephens which was in the process of being passed to the new MP. Cllr Bell was pursuing this.

c) Bus Services

Our Chair reported on recent meetings of Better Buses for Strathclyde and the petition on the need to streamline processes of public consultation on franchising and public ownership. As a community council we should support this petition. This was AGREED.

Danny also noted the very high increase in the cost of zone cards (which was explained by reference to the return of peak fares on the railways).

d) Further cuts in council spending

Cllr Bell noted that the Scottish Finance Secretary would give a further report on 3 September and, in terms of British budgeting, Rachel Reeves in early October.

e) Future of the Lyceum

A report was made of current developments Stage 1: The Community Right to Transfer Petition which would require the owner to offer the community first preference rights to buy in any sale. This was currently collecting signatures from residents in Central Govan. The Community Council had been asked to publicise and help as a matter of some urgency.

The Stage 2 would be an application to the Heritage Lottery and other funders for renovation and reconstruction – followed by consideration of how to ensure that a community project could be developed that was commercially viable. It was AGREED that the Community Council give every assistance.

f) Opening of the Mary Barbour Bridge

This would take place on Friday 6 September with a musical celebration on the Saturday organised by Paul MacAlinden. It was AGREED that we formally approach the City Council to propose the bridge should be called the Mary Barbour bridge – appropriate because she headed a campaign that united the people of Govan and Partick over the issue of housing conditions and rents.

g) Fire and Rescue Service

Andre Videla asked about the latest news on the removal of a tender from the Fire Station. It was reported by Councillor Dan Hutchison that consultation about the future provision of fire tenders would take place early next year and that the Community Council would be involved.

h) Elderpark Library

There was a welcome for the re-opening of the Elderpark Library and the quality of the refurbishment. There were, however, considerable reservations about some aspects – particularly in terms of its utility for the wider community: its closure at 8 pm and non-opening on a Sunday. Annie Morgan raised particular issues for two groups: the Craft Café and the Friends of Elder Park (no Sunday opening, no sink for specific use and no dedicated toilets).

i) Police Action at Thales

The minute secretary apologised for not following up the agreement at the July meeting that a letter be sent to Humza Yousaf raising with the Scottish government the unnecessary level of violence used by 60 police officers against a smaller number of protestors on 15 May outside the Thales premises and later around Govan underground station. He would, as agreed, liaise with Annie Morgan in doing so.


a) Chair

Our Chair had previously raised the issues of public ownership for buses. He also noted that in general the subway services were running more smoothly and more quickly – although that evening his experience was of a train taking more than 18 minutes from St Enochs to Govan and again having an uncomfortable level of vibration.

b) Vice Chair

Hannah had no additional items to raise

c) Secretary

Esme reported on the archaeological excavations begun in the Govan Old Churchyard the previous weekend and continuing later in September. The object was to explore more fully the area where a Pictish funeral stone had been unearthed last year. It was AGREED to feature any new finds in the Govan Letter.


a) The new website

Andre Videla demonstrated the new website and its capabilities on the large screen. There was much congratulation and a round of applause for a project the Community Council had long wanted to complete. It was hoped to have the project fully online in the very near future.

b) Venue for Community Council meetings

It was AGREED that we have our last meeting in the Workspace for our AGM in October and thenceforth use the Pearce Institute (the Elder Park Library closed at 8)

c) Preparations for the election of new members and the AGM

Our AGM on 7 October would, if there were more than four nominations, be preceded by the election. The AGM itself would make proposals for Associate members. The Chair, Secretary and Treasurer would prepare reports.

d) The Autumn Govan Letter


We should aim for distribution from 14 October ahead of our 31 October public meeting. This would require a draft for circulation and approval by 27 September that would then go to printing and despatch to Royal Mail in the first week of October.


This should cover: page 1 the Bridge’s opening, welcome to the residents in the new housing, the continuing housing crisis page 2 an interview with Hannah on Maslows, the Govan Old Dig, the bank access issue p 3 Teaching crisis interview with EIS rep, report on Lyceum, the Thales issue p. 4 Library opening and Bin hubs.


John Foster
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